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 pouliche paint solid ou ovéro

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2 participants


Messages : 82
Date d'inscription : 08/05/2009
Age : 47
Localisation : Alsace

pouliche paint solid ou ovéro Empty
MessageSujet: pouliche paint solid ou ovéro   pouliche paint solid ou ovéro EmptySam 9 Mai - 20:56

voilà, dimanche dernier est née chez moi une petite poulichette alezanne... mais la question que je me pose, c'est de savoir si elle est ovéro ou solid...
je vous met des photos d'aujourd'hui, et le petit truc en plus, c'est que quand je reguarde bien ses yeux, elle a les iris bleu foncées et un légé filet bleu clair en dessous... mais il faut bien reguarder hein... dans les deux yeux...
celà peux t'il évoluer en bleu clair? ou peut elle tout perdre?
Si quelqu'un est assez doué en anglais pour me traduire ça, ca m'arrangerait...
RG-070. Color Requirements
A. A horse meeting bloodline requirements outlined in Rule RG-015. must
have a definite “natural Paint marking”.

B. For the purpose of this rule, the term “natural Paint marking” shall mean
a predominant hair coat color with at least one contrasting area of solid
white hair of the required size with some underlying unpigmented skin
present on the horse at the time of its birth. This solid white area must
be in the prescribed zone depicted in the illustration below. In the event
the horse has a predominantly white hair coat, the term “natural Paint
marking” shall mean at least one contrasting area of the required size of
colored hair with some underlying pigmented skin present on the horse
at the time of its birth. This colored area must be in the prescribed zone
depicted in the illustration below.

C. The “natural Paint marking” as described in B above must extend more
than two-inches (2”) and be in the prescribed zone depicted in the illustration

Exception II
Right Side View-Legs

D. The “natural Paint markings” on a horse with both parents registered as
described in Rule RG-015. may be anywhere on the horse’s body or legs
behind a line:

1. (reference point 1) from the base of the ear forward horizontally to
the base of the other ear; or
2. from the base of the ear to the corner of the mouth; or
3. from the corner of the mouth, under the chin, to the other corner of
the mouth; or
4. (reference point 2) above a level line around the leg midway between
the center of the knee and the floor of the chest; or
5. (reference point 3) the point represented by a level line around
the leg midway between the point of the hock and the center point
of the stifle.
6. The “natural Paint marking” need not be visible from a standing position.
7. Non-qualifying areas include but are not limited to the following
a. Eyeballs;
b. Lips of vulva;
c. Shaft of penis;
d. Inner sheath not visible without physical manipulation of the area.

E. To be eligible for registration in the Regular Registry, a horse must possess
one additional Paint Horse trait (see RG-070.F.) that need not be visible from a standing position if the “natural Paint marking”:
1. EXCEPTION I: occurs in an extension of a high stocking beyond reference
point 2 or reference point 3. The “natural Paint marking” must extend more than 2-inches, be one solid white area and have some underlying unpigmented skin. The extension must be in excess of two inches above the line specified (either horizontally or vertically).
2. EXCEPTION II: occurs in an extension of a face marking beyond reference
point 1. The “natural Paint marking” must extend more than 2-inches, be one solid white area and have some underlying unpigmented skin. The extension must be in excess of two inches beyond the line specified (either horizontally or vertically).
3. EXCEPTION III: which extends more than 2-inches and occurs between
the center of the knee and reference point 2 or the point of the hock and reference point 3 and is NOT connected to a stocking. The “natural Paint marking” must extend more than 2-inches, be one solid white area, and have
some underlying unpigmented skin. The potential qualifying area must be
in excess of two inches above the center of the knee or point of the hock
(either horizontally or vertically). When measuring the white marking in all
instances, the white marking must exceed 2 inches; to clearly show that it
is in excess of two inches, a ruler may be used.

F. Additional Paint Horse traits for purposes of this registration rule are listed
below. These traits alone do not qualify a horse for the Regular Registry.

1. White leg markings extending above the knee and/or hocks;
2. Glass, blue or watch eye(s);
3. Apron face or bald face, described as outside a line from the inside
corner of the eye to the inside corner of the nostril;
4. White on the jaw or lower lip;
5. Blue zone around a “natural Paint marking”;
6. Two color mane, one color being natural white;
7. Dark areas or freckles in white hair on the face or legs;
8. White areas in the non-visible zone, excluding the head, completely
surrounded by a contrasting color;
9. A contrasting area of another color in the non-visible zone including
the head, on the predominantly white horse.

G. Any horse registered in the Regular Registry which has marginal color, or
color which may not be easily observable, shall have noted in the “remarks” section of their registration certificate the size and locations of the qualifying area. If inspected, the date of inspection shall be noted.

ou, juste me dire si le fait qu'elle ait les yeux partielement bleu pourrait faire qu'elle est ovéro... Merci
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Messages : 826
Date d'inscription : 24/04/2009
Age : 35
Localisation : Perpi/Toulouse

pouliche paint solid ou ovéro Empty
MessageSujet: Re: pouliche paint solid ou ovéro   pouliche paint solid ou ovéro EmptySam 9 Mai - 21:11

Beaucoup de poulains ont les yeux bleus ou bleutés a la naissance, comme les bébés humains, et ne gardent pas cette teinte.

J'ai lu l'article mais j'ai pas le courage de te le traduire en entier.
Les choses que tu recherches :
- les orbites ne sont pas comprises dans les zones d'expression de l'overo
- tu peux rajouter des caractéristiques a la description comme les yeux bleus, mais a elles seules, ne suffisent pas.
- il te faut une tache d'au moins deux inches.

J'ai pu me tromper sur certains éléments, donc si quelq'un trouve des incohérences avec le texte, dites-le.
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Messages : 82
Date d'inscription : 08/05/2009
Age : 47
Localisation : Alsace

pouliche paint solid ou ovéro Empty
MessageSujet: Re: pouliche paint solid ou ovéro   pouliche paint solid ou ovéro EmptySam 9 Mai - 21:14

pouliche paint solid ou ovéro P1010037ihx
pouliche paint solid ou ovéro P1010040e
pouliche paint solid ou ovéro P1010034h
pouliche paint solid ou ovéro P1010027ldv
pouliche paint solid ou ovéro P1010029a
Quelques photos de la bète...
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pouliche paint solid ou ovéro
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